Innan jag blev finansiell rådgivare och erbjöd livförsäkring, var jag tvungen att erkänna att jag aldrig hade trott att en marijuanaanvändare skulle bli godkänd för livstidsförsäkring. Efter att ha varit i branschen i flera år och kört flera offerter insåg jag snabbt att så inte var fallet.
Faktum är att det finns flera försäkringsbolag som kommer att försäkra marijuanarökare. Tricket är att hitta de som är mest prisvärda.
Högriskindivider som marijuanarökare är mer benägna att betala högre premier på grund av deras fritidsaktiviteter. Rökare är högrisksökande, vilket innebär högre premier, men det betyder inte att din plånbok kommer att svettas varje månad när du måste göra dessa premier.
Om du såg det tidigare inlägget som handlade om att få livförsäkring med en DWI , får du se hur mycket mer man skulle betala. I det inlägget letade individen efter en tioårig försäkring på $250 000 och de hade citerats med en DWI för över fyra år sedan. Vad jag inte nämnde i det inlägget var att personen också var en tillfällig marijuanaanvändare.
Observera att om du röker marijuana i medicinska syften kommer du med största sannolikhet att få ett annat betyg.
Som en sammanfattning hade den personen ansökt till två andra livförsäkringsbolag och fick avslag för båda. De sökte inte tjänster från en oberoende livförsäkringsagent utan gick istället med den billigaste livslängden som möjligt.
Vad de inte insåg var att med det billigaste priset, om du har ett högrisktillstånd är det inte alltid det bästa alternativet. I den här personens fall fick vi honom godkänd genom Prudential för $585 per år för en tioårig livsförsäkring. Hans hälsoklass var en vanlig icke-tobaksanvändning med betyg i tabell två.
Detta tabellbetyg var inte enbart på grund av marijuanaanvändningen, utan mer för DUI och alkoholkonsumtionen per vecka. Det är viktigt att notera att vissa transportörer som även om du är en tillfällig marijuanarökare kommer att betygsätta dig, men kommer att göra det till en föredragen rökhastighet att falla under om alla andra hälsotillstånd är i linje. Det är viktigt att veta vilka bärare du ska samarbeta med beroende på ditt tillstånd och hur ofta det kan inträffa.
Låt oss få ut det här direkt:Berätta sanningen när du ansöker om livförsäkring.
Här är ett scenario för att visa dig varför det är viktigt att vara ärlig om din användning av marijuana:
När du köper t.ex. 1 miljon USD i livstidsförsäkring gör du en mycket ansvarsfull sak.
Du sätter verktygen på plats för att din make eller andra familjemedlemmar ska kunna överleva ekonomiskt utan din inkomst.
Annonser efter pengar. Vi kan få kompensation om du klickar på den här annonsen.AnnonsIf the worst happened, and you died in a car wreck, for example, your family could file a claim and get a check for $1 million, tax-free, from your insurance company.
As you can imagine, the insurance company doesn’t write $1 million checks without asking at least a few questions first:
For one thing, they would ask the highway department about your car crash. Let’s assume alcohol and drugs were not a factor in the crash.
Wouldn’t that end the discussion?
Maybe not.
What if you happened to have a Ziploc baggie of marijuana in your glove compartment?
Or what if it was just a package of rolling papers?
The accident report may very well include those details, which means your insurance company would find out about them, too.
The insurer would then check whether you’d disclosed marijuana use in your application for coverage.
If you didn’t, and if they determined from other sources, such as medical records, that you had an undisclosed history of marijuana use, your family’s claim could be in jeopardy.
All the premiums you’d paid, all the thought and consideration you put into your policy, would not help your loved ones after all.
By being fully open and honest in your application, and throughout the underwriting process, you’ll help make sure the coverage you’re buying will be available to your family if they need it. (And, you won’t be guilty of insurance fraud!)
By the way, honesty shouldn’t pertain only to marijuana use.
Tell the truth about your other habits, hobbies, and health issues.
Better to pay a higher premium for the right coverage than to risk leaving your family unprotected.
Once upon a time, disclosing marijuana use would have snuffed out your life insurance application.
Underwriters would have immediately denied coverage without needing to even think about it.
My how times have changed.
Not only can you get coverage, you could possibly even get coverage without paying much, if any, extra premiums.
Finding great coverage at a great price may still take some inside knowledge and maneuverability.
Start by addressing these important factors.
Cigarette smokers pay a lot more for life insurance because tobacco destroys your health, and I’m not just talking about lung cancer.
Smokers have higher risks of stroke, heart attack, asthma, and other serious lung diseases such as emphysema.
So, if underwriters see your marijuana use as a reason to classify you as a smoker, you’ll pay high rates along with tobacco users, even though your recreational marijuana may not impact your health the way tobacco smoke does.
As a non-tobacco user, you should find an insurance company whose underwriters do not automatically categorize marijuana users as smokers.
Underwriters will want to know why you smoke marijuana.
If you use pot because it’s fun, that is, because you enjoy sharing a joint once in a while with a friend or two, indicate that on your application.
Some applicants I’ve known found it tempting to check the “medical reasons” box, probably because many states have more lenient laws allowing for prescription use.
Be careful here, though.
If you select “medical reasons,” underwriters will be ready with a follow-up question:“Just what kind of chronic medical condition do you have?”
Because underwriters fear chronic health conditions like, well, the plague.
An applicant who needs marijuana to get through the day is an applicant who’s probably in pretty bad health.
And an applicant in bad health may soon be filing a claim, which means such an applicant needs to pay more or else should be denied coverage.
Again, it’s all about honesty.
If you smoke pot because it’s fun, just say so.
This is a biggy.
Your answer may determine whether you can access non-tobacco rates, which as you know will have a dramatic impact on your premiums.
If this is starting to sound familiar, I apologize, but it is important.
When your application asks how often you smoke marijuana, be honest.
Even if your answer classifies you as a smoker, that’s OK.
With so many life insurance companies out there, you may be able to find a company whose underwriters look more favorably on your answer.
Insurance companies such as Banner, Protective, Genworth, and Transamerica are just a few of the big names that will insure marijuana smokers. The only problem is that you will be rated Standard as a smoker.
What does that mean? Higher premiums!
If you’re just an occasional user, then you’ll want to explore some other options.
Lincoln National will allow up to two times per week and rate you as a Standard non-smoker. If you smoke more than that, expect your premium to go up.
Prudential and Minnesota Life will also rate you as a non-smoker, but you can only smoke 2 times per month and they’ll run labs on you which you must test negative for THC.
Here’s an extensive look at how the various carriers view marijuana smokers:
ING Reliastar is the only insurance company I know that will rate you as a Preferred Smoker if you’re a daily marijuana smoker. This is the best-case scenario for any individual that is using it on a frequent basis.
Getting life insurance as a marijuana smoker isn’t easy. It’s a little more difficult, but it can be done. Every company has different standards for applicants who smoke, which means your quotes can vary from affordable to insanely expensive.
If you want to call dozens of companies yourself, go for it! It’s an excellent way to find affordable premiums. Instead of going at it alone, let us go with you. Through the years, we’ve helped applicants who smoke marijuana get cheaper coverage than they could find by themselves.
Many felt if they disclosed that if they use marijuana for fear of getting into legal trouble. Rest assured according to HIPAA laws, your life insurance agent is not allowed to turn you into the police. So don’t worry about being arrested if you mention to a life insurance agent or even the traveling nurse that may come to your home or office about your marijuana use.