Läsare och journalister frågar mig ofta vilken som är den bästa Aktier och Aktier ISA. Svaret beror på dina omständigheter och om du vill köpa aktier, köpa investeringsfonder, köpa börshandlade fonder eller helt enkelt köpa värdepappersfonder.
Nedan lyfter jag fram två av de bästa ISA för aktier och aktier för verktyg och funktionalitet samt två av de bästa och billigaste ISA för aktier och aktier för nybörjare.
- Wealthify
Investera från så lite som £1
Utmärkt prestanda 2020
Enkel, låg plattformsavgift på bara 0,60 %
Kolla in vår fullständiga oberoende Wealthify-recension eller besök Wealthify* för att komma igång
- Muskotnöt
Har en mycket längre investeringshistorik än Wealthsimple
Kommer att avstå från sina förvaltningsavgifter under de första 12 månaderna via vårt exklusiva erbjudande
Investeringsavgifterna sjunker så lågt som 0,35 % på allt över 100 000 GBP
Kolla in vår fullständiga oberoende Nutmeg-recension där du kan läsa mer om att göra anspråk på det exklusiva erbjudandet
Om du helt enkelt är orolig för kostnad, tillhandahåller vi fondplattform Aktier och andelar ISA jämförelsetabeller senare i den här artikeln där vi jämför varje ISA-leverantör för att visa de billigaste aktierna och andelarna ISA samt den billigaste robo-rådgivaren för dig. I foten av den här artikeln ger vi också en förklaring av hur man jämför och väljer en aktie- och andels-ISA.
Om du behöver tillgång till dina pengar inom de kommande fem åren är det bättre för dig att placera dina pengar i en Cash ISA. I det här fallet se vårt avsnitt med titeln Best Cash ISA.
Hela beloppet du kan investera i en aktie- och andels-ISA är nu £20 000 (för skatteåret 2021/22) och det kan delas mellan aktier, ISA-fonder och kontanter.
- interaktiv investerare
Bra för vanliga investerare
Erbjuder en rad investeringar som backas upp av gedigen forskning
Varje plan kommer med ett antal gratisaffärer
Kolla in vår fullständiga oberoende interaktiva investerargranskning
- Hargreaves Lansdown
Vinnare av ett flertal leverantörspriser
Omfattande andelar och fonddata
Användbar smartphone-app
Kolla in vår fullständiga Hargreaves Lansdown-recension
– Moneyfarm
Ett robo-rådgivningsalternativ till Nutmeg och Wealthsimple
Använd ett brett utbud av billiga ETF:er.
De väljer rätt portfölj för dig med ett enkelt onlinefrågeformulär.
Kolla in vår fullständiga oberoende Moneyfarm-recension
– InvestEngine
En låg avgift på bara 0,25 % för förvaltade portföljer
Ingen plattformsavgift på gör-det-själv-portföljer
Enkel att använda app och webbplats
Kolla in vår fullständiga oberoende Investengine-recension
– Trohet
Typisk serviceavgift är bara 0,35 %
Extra besparingar för större portföljer
Inga handelsavgifter
Kolla in vår fullständiga oberoende Fidelity-recension
– Charles Stanley
Låg årlig avgift på bara 0,35 %
Gratis fondhantering
Bra för aktiva investerare
Kolla in vår fullständiga oberoende Charles Stanley Direct-recension
– Vanguard
Årlig kontoavgift på 0,15 % på investeringar upp till 250 000 GBP
Ingen avgift för investeringar över 250 000 GBP
Inga överföringsavgifter eller avgifter för fondbyte
Kolla in vår fullständiga oberoende Vanguard Investor-recension
> – Bestinvest
Årlig avgift på portföljer på 0,40 % upp till 250 000 pund och 0,20 % upp till 1 miljon pund utan extra kostnad 1 miljoner pund
Inga handelsavgifter för pengar
Bra för investerare som gör regelbundna affärer på grund av de låga handelskostnaderna
Kolla in vår fullständiga oberoende Bestinvest-recension
– AJ Bell
Årlig avgift på 0,25 % på fondinnehav upp till 250 000 GBP, 0,10 % 250 000 GBP till 0,10 000 GBP %, £1 miljon till £2 miljoner, ingen årlig avgift över £2 miljoner
Vanlig månadsinvestering i fonder kostar 1,50 GBP
Kostnadseffektivt för månatliga investeringar
Kolla in vår fullständiga oberoende AJ Bell Youinvest-recension
– Wealthsimple
En av de billigaste diskretionära investeringstjänsterna på marknaden
Kommer att hantera de första £10 000 av dina pengar gratis under det första året
Dess investeringsavkastning under det första året har varit bättre än sina konkurrenter
Kolla in vår fullständiga oberoende Wealthsimple recension
Om du bara fokuserar på att få de billigaste aktierna och andelarna ISA, nedan är en jämförelse av ISA-avgifter för aktier och andelar från alla större leverantörer.
Den första tabellen visar de billigaste aktierna och aktierna för dem som vill välja sina egna underliggande investeringar. Tabellen förutsätter att du bara investerar i fondandelsfonder och gör 10 byten per år. Tänk på att om du väljer dina egna medel måste du tillåta ytterligare 1 % till 1,5 % per år i fondavgifter utöver siffrorna nedan. Titta helt enkelt på den kolumn (på endera tabellen) som bäst matchar storleken på dina aktier och aktier i ISA-portföljen för en uppskattning av den årliga kostnaden om dina investeringar hölls med varje fondplattform.
Den andra tabellen förutsätter att du vill investera i aktier, investeringsfonder eller ETF:er och att du gör 20 affärer per år. Återigen måste du betala ytterligare avgifter som tas ut av de fonder du investerar i utöver de angivna siffrorna, men de kommer att vara ganska standard på alla plattformar.
Den tredje tabellen är en jämförelsetabell för robo-rådgivare. I fallet med robo-rådgivningstabellen tar de angivna siffrorna hänsyn till alla avgifter (d.v.s. den totala kostnaden inklusive fondavgifter)
Kostnad baserad på portföljstorlek från 5 000 GBP till 250 000 GBP – Förutsätter 10 fondbyten per år
Kostnad per fond transaktion | 5 000 £ portfölj | 10 000 GBP portfölj | 20 000 £ portfölj | 50 000 GBP portfölj | 100 000 £ portfölj | 250 000 £ portfölj | |
AJ Bell YouInvest* | £1,50 | £43 | 55 £ | £80 | £155 | £280 | £655 |
Barclays Smart Investor | £3 | £108 | £108 | £108 | £160 | £260 | 560 £ |
BestInvest* | Gratis | £20 | £40 | £80 | £200 | £400 | £1 000 |
Charles Stanley Direct | Gratis | £18 | £35 | £70 | £175 | £350 | £875 |
Fidelity International* | Gratis | £45 | £45 | £70 | £175 | £350 | £875 |
Halifax Share's &Dealing Website | £12,50 | £263 | £263 | £263 | £263 | £263 | £263 |
Hargreaves Lansdown* | Gratis | £23 | £45 | £90 | £225 | £450 | £1 125 |
Interactive Investor* | £3,99 eller £7,99 | £168 | £168 | £168 | £168 | £168 | £168 |
InvestEngine* | Gratis | 13 GBP | 25 GBP | 50 GBP | 125 GBP | 250 GBP | 625 £ |
iWeb | £5 | £200 | £200 | £200 | £200 | £200 | £200 |
Strawberry | Gratis | £24 | £30 | £60 | £150 | £250 | 550 £ |
Vanguard | Gratis | £8 | £15 | £30 | £75 | £150 | £375 |
Willis Owen | Gratis | £20 | £40 | £80 | £200 | £350 | £650 |
Kostnaden för den interaktiva investeraren baseras på serviceplanen "Fundfans". iWeb har en förskottsavgift på £100 för att öppna en ISA. Vanguard låter dig endast investera i sina egna fonder.
Kostnad baserad på portföljstorlek från 5 000 GBP till 250 000 GBP – förutsätter 20 affärer per år
Enkel Handelskostnad | Vanlig Investeringskostnad | £5,000 | £10,000 | £20,000 | £50,000 | £100,000 | £250,000 | |
AJ Bell Youinvest* | £9.95 | £1.50 | £212 | £224 | £229 | £229 | £229 | £229 |
Barclays Smart Investor | £6.00 | £1.00 | £168 | £168 | £168 | £170 | £220 | £370 |
Bestinvest* | £7.50 | £170 | £190 | £230 | £350 | £550 | £1,150 | |
Charles Stanley Direct | £11.50 | £254 | £265 | £300 | £405 | £470 | £470 | |
Close Brothers Self Directed Service | £8.95 | £192 | £204 | £229 | £304 | £429 | £804 | |
Equiniti Shareview | £12.50 | £1.75 | £263 | £275 | £295 | £295 | £295 | £295 |
Fidelity Personal Investing* | £10.00 | £245 | £245 | £245 | £245 | £245 | £245 | |
Halifax Share's &Dealing Website | £12.50 | £2.00 | £263 | £263 | £263 | £263 | £263 | £263 |
Hargreaves Lansdown* | £11.95 | £1.50 | £262 | £284 | £284 | £284 | £284 | £284 |
iDealing | £9.90 | £218 | £218 | £218 | £218 | £218 | £218 | |
IG | £8.00 | £160 | £160 | £160 | £160 | £160 | £160 | |
Interactive Investor * | £3.99 | £168 | £168 | £168 | £168 | £168 | £168 | |
iWeb | £5.00 | £200 | £200 | £200 | £200 | £200 | £200 | |
Strawberry | £7.50 minimum or 0.04% | £174 | £180 | £210 | £300 | £1,000 | £2,500 | |
Willis Owen | £7.50 | £1.50 | £170 | £190 | £230 | £350 | £500 | £800 |
X-O | £5.95 | £119 | £119 | £119 | £119 | £119 | £119 |
Interactive Investor cost is based on the ‘Funds Fan service plan. iWeb has a £100 upfront fee to open an ISA.
Robo-advice is the term that's been given to online investment managers which provide an investment product like an ISA where they invest your money for you. Technically robo-advisers don't actually give you advice but instead they offer a limited number of portfolios (from low risk to high risk) from which you select one. They then invest your money and usually at low cost using exchange-traded funds (ETFs).
Picking the best robo-advisor isn't just about picking the cheapest you need to also consider investment performance. The table below gives the cost for each size of ISA portfolio for the list of UK robo-advisers. The cost quoted is the charge applied by the robo-advisor to run your money plus the costs of the underlying investments (ETFs).
Based on portfolio size ranging from £5,000 to £250,000
£5,000 portfolio | £10,000 portfolio | £20,000 portfolio | £50,000 portfolio | £100,000 portfolio | £250,000 portfolio | |
Evestor | £25 | £49 | £98 | £245 | £490 | £1,225 |
Moneybox | £46 | £80 | £148 | £352 | £692 | £1,712 |
Moneyfarm* | £52 | £104 | £178 | £445 | £790 | £1,600 |
Nutmeg fully managed* | £50 | 100 £ | £200 | £500 | £1,000 | £1,500 |
Nutmeg fixed portfolio* | £34 | £68 | £136 | £340 | £680 | £1,200 |
Nutmeg socially responsible portfolio* | £57 | £113 | £226 | £565 | £1,130 | £1,825 |
Scaleable capital | n/a | £91 | £182 | £455 | £910 | £2,275 |
True Potential | £58 | £116 | £232 | £580 | £1,160 | £2,900 |
Wealth Horizon | £57 | £114 | £228 | £570 | £1,140 | £2,850 |
Wealthify* | £41 | £82 | £164 | £410 | £820 | £2,050 |
Wealthsimple | £45 | £90 | 180 £ | £450 | £700 | £1,750 |
Scalable Capital has a minimum investment of £10,000. Wealth Horizon applies a 0.25% charge upfront which is included.
If you do not have an investment timeframe of at least 5 years (i.e. you will need access to your cash within 5 years) then you would be better off placing your money in a cash ISA rather than in an investment ISA. That is because when you take out a Stocks and Shares ISA you will be Investing in shares, funds, bonds, investment trust or exchange traded funds (ETFs) all of which carry investment risk and the potential to lose money as well as make it. Below are links to our latest cash ISA best buy tables:
Under the current ISA rules you can choose to invest some of your ISA allowance in a cash ISA and the balance of your ISA allowance in a Stocks and Shares ISA if you wish.
There are two options when it comes to investing in a Stocks and Shares ISA. You can choose to pick the underlying investments (funds or shares) yourself or let someone take care of picking and running the investments for you. If you want to have control over how your money is invested then jump to step 2 below.
If you'd rather let someone run your money for you at low cost while optimising performance then you would be better off choosing what the press has coined a ‘robo-advisor'. Robo-advisers will put your money in a diversified portfolio based on the amount of risk you want to take. They will then manage the investment for you which you can view and monitor online. The ‘Best Managed Stocks and Shares for beginners' shown above is a robo-advisor which has managed to combine strong investment performance with low costs. If you just want to pick the cheapest robo-adviser then you can check out our robo- adviser comparison table above.
Steps 2 and 3 below provide further advice for those investors wanting to invest their own money themselves (so-called DIY investors).
If you plan to invest your ISA allowance yourself then when you compare Stocks and Shares ISAs the cheapest ISA provider or platform for you will depend on what you want to invest in. When you invest in a stocks and shares ISA there are a range of charges. Firstly there is the charge of the underlying fund or asset you are investing in. Then there are the charges levied by the broker or fund platform (often called a fund supermarket). Every Stocks and Shares investment ISA provider levy different charges based on what you invest in and how much you have invested with them. For example there may be additional charges levied for investing in shares or investment trusts. So what might you invest in?
Most DIY investors will invest in funds which in turn buy shares and other assets, such as corporate bonds. Funds (a term which includes investment trust. unit trusts and ETFs) are called collective investments. They pool investors money together to benefit from economies of scale and then invest that money in assets such as shares or bonds. Actively managed investment funds have a fund manager who chooses the underlying investments. Meanwhile, passive investments simply track an index such as the FTSE 100 index using computers. If you are considering investing in funds then I recommend downloading this FREE guide to investing in funds. It's the best guide I've come across on the topic and tells you all you need to know including how to get started with buying funds.
If you want to buy shares within your Stocks and Shares ISA this limits your choices in terms of which would be the best provider for you. Some Stocks and Shares ISA providers do not offer the stockbroking facility required to buy shares directly. Investing directly in shares is a riskier investment strategy as while it can be profitable it increases the chances of a potential loss.
Once you know what type of investments you wish to buy that makes life a lot easier. If you want to buy shares and investment trusts your options are much more limited. If, like most investors, you want to just invest in Stocks and Shares ISA funds then you need to consider other factors to screen down your choices. For now we will set cost to one side and come back to it later. Competition among funds supermarkets and online brokers is growing increasingly fierce so costs are falling all the time.
There has been a mini-explosion in new Stocks and Shares ISA providers, after all it can be a lucrative market if providers get the proposition right. To many of the new online providers that means keeping their own costs low, by that I don't mean the costs you pay but how much time and money they have to spend administering your investments.
As such, the level of service some provide is pretty minimal. You need to decide if being able to speak to someone on the phone if things go wrong is important to you. You need to decide whether you want a slick user experience with the ability to buy and sell investments quickly and easily. Would you like to be able to check your investments via your smartphone, if so do they have a smartphone app?
If you already have an existing stock and shares ISA portfolio you might want to consolidate them all with one provider. If so check what their rules and charges for doing so are.
Some Stocks and Shares ISA providers offer tools and some research (albeit limited). However most don't. Would you like a tool that can help you to pick the best ISA funds for your objectives? If so check they offer these. I highlight some of the best stocks and shares ISA providers in the next section and detail what they offer.
As mentioned there are a host of charges that Stocks and Shares ISA providers can levy. De inkluderar:
Make sure you understand these charges and are happy with them. However, you shouldn't just focus on cost but instead, consider value for money as well as the level of service provided.
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Bästa Junioraktier och aktier ISA
Bestinvest recension – är det den bästa SIPP- och ISA-leverantören?