Ett husdjur kan ge dig en axel att gråta på eller till och med en vän att träna med. Forskning från National Institutes of Health (NIH) fann att att umgås med ett djur kan minska stressrelaterade hormoner i din kropp, eller till och med sänka ditt blodtryck.
Tyvärr kan det vara rent av dyrt att äga ett husdjur beroende på faktorer som kanske inte är i din kontroll. Till exempel kan en kataraktoperation för hundar kosta allt från $2 700 till $4 000, och kemoterapibehandlingar för din valps cancer kan kosta upp till $5 000. Sedan finns det de typiska kostnaderna för kastrering eller kastrering, årliga undersökningar, rutinvacciner och mer.
Om du inte är förberedd kan ditt husdjur lätt kosta tusentals dollar varje år. TrustedPals Pet Insurance kan hjälpa djurägare att ge sina husdjur den bästa vården och skydd mot oväntade veterinärräkningar.
Försäkringsgivaren gör kostnaden för att äga ett husdjur betydligt mer förutsägbar. För en månatlig husdjursförsäkringspremie får du täckning för olyckor och sjukdomar som du inte kan budgetera med i förväg. Den erbjuder också en hälsoplan som inkluderar regelbunden och rutinvård.
Om du vill skydda dig mot dyra veterinärräkningar samtidigt som du ser till att ditt husdjur får den vård de förtjänar, kan en husdjursförsäkring hjälpa dig. Fortsätt läsa för att lära dig hur TrustedPals Pet Insurance fungerar och om det kan vara något för dig.
Annonser efter pengar. Vi kan få kompensation om du klickar på den här annonsen.AnnonsTrustedPals Pet Insurance is underwritten by Zurich North America, which has an A+ rating for financial strength from A.M. Bäst. You can feel confident about the financial security of this insurance provider.
It offers insurance for dogs and cats of any breed, or age. There are products for every budget and TrustedPals lets you customize your plan. For example, you can choose your annual coverage limit and deductible. You can also pick your own vet when seeking out care, instead of having to choose from a pre-approved veterinarian list.
Although some pet insurance providers offer plans for a wide range of animals, TrustedPals focuses their business on offering helpful pet insurance plans for dogs and cats. With a pet insurance plan from TrustedPals, you can choose the coverage you want, whether you prefer insurance only for accidents or illnesses, or a comprehensive wellness plan.
When buying TrustedPas dog insurance, you can get coverage for accidents and illnesses first and foremost. This part of your plan pays for vet visits required to diagnose the problem. It also covers treatments, prescription medicine, and special pet food or supplements prescribed by your vet.
Meanwhile, any behavioral training and therapies prescribed by your vet might also be covered by your dog insurance plan. You also have the option to add on a pet wellness plan that covers up to $750 in routine and preventative care every year. Your wellness plan can kick in to pay for:
When you apply for dog insurance through TrustedPals, you can tailor coverage to your needs. For example, you can pick an annual coverage limit and a reimbursement level. You can also choose a deductible between $100 and $750.
Additionally, TrustedPals lets you customize your plan with the exact features you want.
*Sample quote is for a five-year-old large, female dog that’s mixed-breed
TrustedPals cat insurance plans offer the same basic coverages for accidents and illness. If your cat has major health conditions, your pet insurance plan will pay for related visits to your veterinarian, including treatments, medication, and special pet food or supplements prescribed by your vet.
Similarly, behavioral training and therapies might also be included in your plan provided your veterinarian prescribes them. A pet wellness plan for cats can also be added, if you’d like. This covers up to $750 in routine care such as wellness exams, dental cleanings, preventative medications, spay or neuter, and more.
When you apply for cat insurance through TrustedPals, you have the option to choose from one of their plans or create your own.
*Sample quote is for a five-year-old female cat, that’s mixed-breed
Although we’ve included some basics on what each pet insurance plan covers, TrustedPals has a list of “not covered” expenses, like other insurers. Before you buy pet insurance, you should know about the conditions and situations this provider excludes.
TrustedPals doesn’t provide coverage for:
There are a few major areas where TrustedPals Pet Insurance really stands out. These include the following:
TrustedPals is a good option for anyone with a dog or cat, but particularly for people with older animals who can’t purchase pet insurance elsewhere. This provider is also a good choice for pet owners who want to customize their coverage so they only pay for what they need.
After all, you can go with TrustedPals to get bare bonus coverage for surgeries or major illness, but also buy a robust plan with no annual coverage limit and up to $750 toward wellness and ongoing care.
Annonser efter pengar. Vi kan få kompensation om du klickar på den här annonsen.AnnonsThe following table shows how TrustedPals stacks up to a few of the top competitors in the pet insurance space:
TrustedPals Pet Insurance | Healthy Paws | Embrace Pet Insurance | |
Age limit for dogs and cats | No | Max age of 14 | Max age of 14; pets ages 14 and older can qualify for an accident-only plan |
Claims processed | Within 10 days | Up to 15 days | Up to 15 days |
100% reimbursement option | Yes | No; up to 90% | No; up to 90% |
Deductible type | Annual | Annual | Annual |
Wellness plan available | Yes | No | Yes |
Before you select a pet insurance plan, there are details you should know about this industry. The following key points are important considerations before settling on a new plan:
We feel confident recommending TrustedPals Pet Insurance for a few reasons. The company earns excellent third-party rankings for financial strength. We also like that you can customize your policy to meet your pet’s needs and your budget. The option to add on a comprehensive wellness plan is also helpful.
It’s smart to compare at least three or four pet insurance providers before purchasing a plan to protect your best friend. Our guide to the best pet insurance of 2021 can help you get started.
If your goal is protecting your pet and your finances, you should find out all you can about TrustedPals. The following questions and answers can help.
TrustedPals offers discounts for families who insure multiple pets, military members and veterans, veterinary industry workers, veterinary students, and first responders. You can also get a discount if your pet is a service animal.
Like other pet insurance providers, TrustedPals doesn’t cover your pet’s pre-existing conditions.
TrustedPals Pet Insurance covers a broad range of preventative care with a wellness plan. It covers up to $750 in wellness each year, and is available as an add-on to your regular insurance.
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