Om en familjemedlem hade investerat 2 000 USD när du föddes, hur mycket tror du att du skulle ha idag?
Med hjälp av Tenpao Lee, professor i ekonomi vid Niagara University, har MoneyWise beräknat det nuvarande värdet av hypotetiska $2 000 investeringar i aktier, guld, obligationer och besparingar som gjorts under vart och ett av de senaste 50 åren.
Våra resultat för aktier är baserade på avkastningen för S&P 500; det skulle likna att investera i en av de populära S&P 500-indexfonderna som rekommenderas av dagens automatiserade investeringstjänster, som Betterment.
Få dina pengar att fungera för dig
Bättring kan hjälpa dig att tjäna 38 % mer pengar än en genomsnittlig investerare.
Börja nuGuldresultaten är baserade på IBA års slutpriser; för obligationer använde vi genomsnittlig årlig avkastning för 10-åriga statsobligationer. Sparresultaten är baserade på genomsnittlig avkastning för 6-månaders CD-skivor, eftersom historiska data om sparkontopriser inte var tillgängliga. Vi har inte justerat för inflation eller tagit hänsyn till investeringsavgifter.
Se hur en relativt blygsam investering gjord under det år du föddes skulle ha växt och se vilken typ av investering som skulle ha gett bäst avkastning.
2 000 USD investerade i aktier skulle ge dig cirka 52 390 USD idag.
2 000 $ investerade i guld skulle ge dig cirka 62 560 $ idag.
2 000 USD investerade i obligationer skulle ge dig cirka 40 720 USD idag.
2 000 USD som sparats skulle ge dig cirka 25 310 USD idag.
2 000 USD investerade i aktier skulle ge dig cirka 61 240 USD idag.
2 000 $ investerade i guld skulle ge dig cirka 46 200 $ idag.
2 000 USD investerade i obligationer skulle ge dig cirka 37 750 USD idag.
2 000 USD som sparats skulle ge dig cirka 23 200 USD idag.
2 000 USD investerade i aktier skulle ge dig cirka 61 960 USD idag.
2 000 $ investerade i guld skulle ge dig cirka 70 250 $ idag.
2 000 USD investerade i obligationer skulle ge dig cirka 35 450 USD idag.
2 000 USD som sparats skulle ge dig cirka 21 940 USD idag.
2 000 USD investerade i aktier skulle ge dig cirka 56 260 USD idag.
2 000 $ investerade i guld skulle ge dig cirka 60 360 $ idag.
2 000 USD investerade i obligationer skulle ge dig cirka 33 470 USD idag.
2 000 USD som sparats skulle ge dig cirka 20 940 USD idag.
2 000 USD investerade i aktier skulle ge dig cirka 47 490 USD idag.
2 000 $ investerade i guld skulle ge dig cirka 40 580 $ idag.
2 000 USD investerade i obligationer skulle ge dig cirka 31 460 USD idag.
2 000 USD som sparats skulle ge dig cirka 19 800 USD idag.
Börja spara
Beräkna hur mycket du behöver spara varje månad för att nå ditt mål.
2 000 USD investerade i aktier skulle ge dig cirka 58 870 USD idag.
2 000 $ investerade i guld skulle ge dig cirka 23 390 $ idag.
2 000 USD investerade i obligationer skulle ge dig cirka 29 430 USD idag.
2 000 USD som sparats skulle ge dig cirka 18 260 USD idag.
2 000 USD investerade i aktier skulle ge dig cirka 83 190 USD idag.
2 000 $ investerade i guld skulle ge dig cirka 14 000 $ idag.
2 000 USD investerade i obligationer skulle ge dig cirka 27 400 USD idag.
2 000 USD som sparats skulle ge dig cirka 16 780 USD idag.
2 000 USD investerade i aktier skulle ge dig cirka 62 900 USD idag.
2 000 $ investerade i guld skulle ge dig cirka 18 720 $ idag.
2 000 USD investerade i obligationer skulle ge dig cirka 25 430 USD idag.
2 000 USD som sparats skulle ge dig cirka 15 840 USD idag.
2 000 USD investerade i aktier skulle ge dig cirka 53 290 USD idag.
2 000 $ investerade i guld skulle ge dig cirka 19 510 $ idag.
2 000 USD investerade i obligationer skulle ge dig cirka 23 810 USD idag.
2 000 USD som sparats skulle ge dig cirka 15 130 USD idag.
2 000 USD investerade i aktier skulle ge dig cirka 59 470 USD idag.
2 000 $ investerade i guld skulle ge dig cirka 15 860 $ idag.
2 000 USD investerade i obligationer skulle ge dig cirka 22 090 USD idag.
2 000 USD som sparats skulle ge dig cirka 14 130 USD idag.
2 000 USD investerade i aktier skulle ge dig cirka 58 050 USD idag.
2 000 $ investerade i guld skulle ge dig cirka 11 700 $ idag.
2 000 USD investerade i obligationer skulle ge dig cirka 20 240 USD idag.
2 000 USD som sparats skulle ge dig cirka 12 680 USD idag.
2 000 USD investerade i aktier skulle ge dig cirka 51 760 USD idag.
2 000 $ investerade i guld skulle ge dig cirka 5 010 $ idag.
2 000 USD investerade i obligationer skulle ge dig cirka 18 340 USD idag.
2 000 USD som sparats skulle ge dig cirka 11 190 USD idag.
$2,000 invested in stocks would give you around $41,800 today.
$2,000 invested in gold would give you around $4,450 today.
$2,000 invested in bonds would give you around $16,310 today.
$2,000 put into savings would give you around $9,670 today.
$2,000 invested in stocks would give you around $45,070 today.
$2,000 invested in gold would give you around $6,560 today.
$2,000 invested in bonds would give you around $14,310 today.
$2,000 put into savings would give you around $8,520 today.
$2,000 invested in stocks would give you around $40,030 today.
$2,000 invested in gold would give you around $5,860 today.
$2,000 invested in bonds would give you around $12,970 today.
$2,000 put into savings would give you around $7,840 today.
$2,000 invested in stocks would give you around $33,940 today.
$2,000 invested in gold would give you around $6,880 today.
$2,000 invested in bonds would give you around $11,600 today.
$2,000 put into savings would give you around $7,150 today.
$2,000 invested in stocks would give you around $33,920 today.
$2,000 invested in gold would give you around $8,500 today.
$2,000 invested in bonds would give you around $10,400 today.
$2,000 put into savings would give you around $6,580 today.
$2,000 invested in stocks would give you around $26,920 today.
$2,000 invested in gold would give you around $8,030 today.
$2,000 invested in bonds would give you around $9,540 today.
$2,000 put into savings would give you around $6,110 today.
$2,000 invested in stocks would give you around $22,440 today.
$2,000 invested in gold would give you around $6,720 today.
$2,000 invested in bonds would give you around $8,900 today.
$2,000 put into savings would give you around $5,760 today.
$2,000 invested in stocks would give you around $23,150 today.
$2,000 invested in gold would give you around $5,400 today.
$2,000 invested in bonds would give you around $8,170 today.
$2,000 put into savings would give you around $5,390 today.
$2,000 invested in stocks would give you around $20,180 today.
$2,000 invested in gold would give you around $6,400 today.
$2,000 invested in bonds would give you around $7,490 today.
$2,000 put into savings would give you around $4,920 today.
$2,000 invested in stocks would give you around $16,006 today.
$2,000 invested in gold would give you around $6,550 today.
$2,000 invested in bonds would give you around $6,940 today.
$2,000 put into savings would give you around $4,550 today.
$2,000 invested in stocks would give you around $16,970 today.
$2,000 invested in gold would give you around $6,720 today.
$2,000 invested in bonds would give you around $6,420 today.
$2,000 put into savings would give you around $4,240 today.
Start Saving
Calculate how much you need to save each month to reach your goal.
$2,000 invested in stocks would give you around $14,360 today.
$2,000 invested in gold would give you around $7,430 today.
$2,000 invested in bonds would give you around $6,020 today.
$2,000 put into savings would give you around $4,070 today.
$2,000 invested in stocks would give you around $12,810 today.
$2,000 invested in gold would give you around $7,890 today.
$2,000 invested in bonds would give you around $5,640 today.
$2,000 put into savings would give you around $3,930 today.
$2,000 invested in stocks would give you around $11,980 today.
$2,000 invested in gold would give you around $6,720 today.
$2,000 invested in bonds would give you around $5,330 today.
$2,000 put into savings would give you around $3,800 today.
$2,000 invested in stocks would give you around $12,260 today.
$2,000 invested in gold would give you around $6,860 today.
$2,000 invested in bonds would give you around $4,940 today.
$2,000 put into savings would give you around $3,560 today.
$2,000 invested in stocks would give you around $9,090 today.
$2,000 invested in gold would give you around $6,790 today.
$2,000 invested in bonds would give you around $4,680 today.
$2,000 put into savings would give you around $3,380 today.
$2,000 invested in stocks would give you around $7,510 today.
$2,000 invested in gold would give you around $7,110 today.
$2,000 invested in bonds would give you around $4,400 today.
$2,000 put into savings would give you around $3,200 today.
$2,000 invested in stocks would give you around $5,800 today.
$2,000 invested in gold would give you around $9,080 today.
$2,000 invested in bonds would give you around $4,160 today.
$2,000 put into savings would give you around $3,030 today.
$2,000 invested in stocks would give you around $4,690 today.
$2,000 invested in gold would give you around $9,130 today.
$2,000 invested in bonds would give you around $3,970 today.
$2,000 put into savings would give you around $2,890 today.
$2,000 invested in stocks would give you around $3,910 today.
$2,000 invested in gold would give you around $9,030 today.
$2,000 invested in bonds would give you around $3,730 today.
$2,000 put into savings would give you around $2,720 today.
$2,000 invested in stocks would give you around $4,190 today.
$2,000 invested in gold would give you around $9,630 today.
$2,000 invested in bonds would give you around $3,550 today.
$2,000 put into savings would give you around $2,560 today.
$2,000 invested in stocks would give you around $4,870 today.
$2,000 invested in gold would give you around $9,500 today.
$2,000 invested in bonds would give you around $3,380 today.
$2,000 put into savings would give you around $2,520 today.
$2,000 invested in stocks would give you around $6,210 today.
$2,000 invested in gold would give you around $7,660 today.
$2,000 invested in bonds would give you around $3,250 today.
$2,000 put into savings would give you around $2,480 today.
$2,000 invested in stocks would give you around $5,160 today.
$2,000 invested in gold would give you around $6,290 today.
$2,000 invested in bonds would give you around $3,120 today.
$2,000 put into savings would give you around $2,450 today.
$2,000 invested in stocks would give you around $4,650 today.
$2,000 invested in gold would give you around $6,000 today.
$2,000 invested in bonds would give you around $2,990 today.
$2,000 put into savings would give you around $2,390 today.
$2,000 invested in stocks would give you around $4,420 today.
$2,000 invested in gold would give you around $5,120 today.
$2,000 invested in bonds would give you around $2,870 today.
$2,000 put into savings would give you around $2,280 today.
$2,000 invested in stocks would give you around $3,940 today.
$2,000 invested in gold would give you around $4,130 today.
$2,000 invested in bonds would give you around $2,740 today.
$2,000 put into savings would give you around $2,170 today.
$2,000 invested in stocks would give you around $3,770 today.
$2,000 invested in gold would give you around $3,140 today.
$2,000 invested in bonds would give you around $2,630 today.
$2,000 put into savings would give you around $2,070 today.
$2,000 invested in stocks would give you around $6,360 today.
$2,000 invested in gold would give you around $3,040 today.
$2,000 invested in bonds would give you around $2,580 today.
$2,000 put into savings would give you around $2,040 today.
$2,000 invested in stocks would give you around $5,030 today.
$2,000 invested in gold would give you around $2,380 today.
$2,000 invested in bonds would give you around $2,480 today.
$2,000 put into savings would give you around $2,030 today.
$2,000 invested in stocks would give you around $4,490 today.
$2,000 invested in gold would give you around $1,860 today.
$2,000 invested in bonds would give you around $2,400 today.
$2,000 put into savings would give you around $2,020 today.
$2,000 invested in stocks would give you around $4,490 today.
$2,000 invested in gold would give you around $1,670 today.
$2,000 invested in bonds would give you around $2,360 today.
$2,000 put into savings would give you around $2,020 today.
$2,000 invested in stocks would give you around $3,920 today.
$2,000 invested in gold would give you around $1,580 today.
$2,000 invested in bonds would give you around $2,320 today.
$2,000 put into savings would give you around $2,020 today.
$2,000 invested in stocks would give you around $3,090 today.
$2,000 invested in gold would give you around $2,190 today.
$2,000 invested in bonds would give you around $2,250 today.
$2,000 put into savings would give you around $2,010 today.
$2,000 invested in stocks would give you around $2,720 today.
$2,000 invested in gold would give you around $2,190 today.
$2,000 invested in bonds would give you around $2,200 today.
$2,000 put into savings would give you around $2,010 today.
$2,000 invested in stocks would give you around $2,720 today.
$2,000 invested in gold would give you around $2,470 today.
$2,000 invested in bonds would give you around $2,150 today.
$2,000 put into savings would give you around $2,010 today.
$2,000 invested in stocks would give you around $2,480 today.
$2,000 invested in gold would give you around $2,270 today.
$2,000 invested in bonds would give you around $2,100 today.
$2,000 put into savings would give you around $2,010 today.
$2,000 invested in stocks would give you around $2,090 today.
$2,000 invested in gold would give you around $2,030 today.
$2,000 invested in bonds would give you around $2,050 today.
$2,000 put into savings would give you around $2,003 today.
More: Interested in investing? With Stash, anyone can start investing in just 2 minutes, with as little as $5 or as much as $2,000.
Most Americans have money in the stock market. Learn how you can start.
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