De stater där pensionärer kommer att få de bästa (och sämsta) socialförsäkringskontrollerna 2021

Nyår är en tid av optimism, men äldre amerikaner har inte så mycket att se fram emot 2021. De får en ynka 1,3 % ökning av sina socialförsäkringsförmåner – den näst lägsta årliga höjningen i programmets historia.

De flesta pensionärer är beroende av social trygghet för minst hälften av sin inkomst, enligt federala uppgifter, men det är inte mycket pengar. Månatliga betalningar kommer i genomsnitt 1 543 USD i hela landet 2021, bara 20 USD mer än tidigare.

Och som vanligt kommer förmånerna att vara mer generösa i vissa stater än andra. Så här rankas alla 50 delstaterna och District of Columbia för social trygghet 2021, från den minsta genomsnittliga årliga utbetalningen till den största.

Oavsett hur mycket du får, se till att sätta in pengarna på ett högräntesparkonto för att pressa ut allt värde du kan.

Vår metodik:Vi använde den senaste socialförsäkringsdatan för att beräkna 2019 års förmåner för den genomsnittliga pensionerade arbetstagaren i varje stat, och lade sedan till 1,6 % för att fastställa 2020 års utbetalningar. Till dessa belopp lade vi till ytterligare 1,3 % för att komma fram till de typiska fördelarna i varje delstat 2021.

51. Louisiana

Fotoluminate LLC / Shutterstock

Genomsnittlig årlig förmån 2021:17 284 USD

Enligt Social Security Administrations senaste information är 559 820 pensionärer från Louisiana förmånstagare.

Vi beräknar att de fick i genomsnitt 1421,83 USD i månaden 2020 och 17 061,98 USD för året. Det är den lägsta bland de 50 delstaterna och District of Columbia.

Med en levnadskostnadsjustering på 1,3 % (COLA) för nästa år får Louisiana socialförsäkringsmottagare 1 440,32 USD per månad.

50. Mississippi

Joseph Sohm / Shutterstock

Genomsnittlig årlig förmån 2021:17 348 USD

Socialförsäkringstjänstemän säger att 429 412 pensionerade arbetare i Mississippi får förmåner. Vi beräknar att de fick i genomsnitt 1 427,13 USD per månad 2020 och 17 125,62 USD för året.

Över hela USA förlitar sig ungefär 1 av 5 äldre gifta par på social trygghet och nästan hälften av ogifta seniorer på sina förmåner för minst 90 % av sin inkomst, säger Social Security Administration.

Enligt vår matematik kommer Mississippians nästa år att få $1 445,69 per månad.

49. Maine

DisobeyArt / Shutterstock

Genomsnittlig årlig förmån 2021:17 465 USD

Socialförsäkringen säger att 242 442 pensionerade arbetare i Maine samlar in förmåner. Vi beräknar att de fick i genomsnitt 1 436,75 USD i månaden 2020 – eller 17 241,00 USD för hela året.

Cirka 90% av amerikanerna 65 år eller äldre får socialförsäkringsförmåner. Vissa väljer att vänta tills de fyller 70, den ålder då du får din maximala förmån.

Vi uppskattar att pensionärerna i Maine nästa år kommer att få $1 455,43 per månad.

48. New Mexico

Andrey Bayda / Shutterstock

Genomsnittlig årlig förmån 2021:17 516 USD

I New Mexico - en av 13 stater som beskattar social trygghet, enligt AARP - får 307 967 pensionärer förmåner. Våra beräkningar säger att betalningarna 2020 i genomsnitt uppgick till 1 440,92 USD per månad och 17 291,06 USD per år.

För att få hjälp att tänja på din pensionsinkomst och ditt sparande så långt som möjligt, överväg att registrera dig med en finansiell planeringstjänst. I ett 30-minuterssamtal kan du prata om mål, prioriteringar och ta reda på hur du ska gå vidare.

Efter nästa års höjning på 1,3 % kommer New Mexicos socialförsäkringsmottagare att få 1 459,65 USD per månad.

47. Arkansas

Bonita R. Cheshier / Shutterstock

Genomsnittlig årlig förmån 2021:17 589 USD

I Arkansas har 450 419 pensionärer social trygghet och de samlade in förmåner som i genomsnitt uppgick till 1 446,90 USD per månad 2020 och 17 362,82 USD för hela året, enligt våra beräkningar.

Förmånsprogrammet startade 1935, när president Franklin Roosevelt undertecknade lagen om social trygghet.

Pensionerade arbetare i Arkansas kommer att få 1 465,71 USD per månad nästa år.

46. Montana

perdar / Shutterstock

Genomsnittlig årlig förmån 2021:17 623,15 USD

Enligt Social Security Administrations senaste information är 178 102 pensionärer från Montana förmånstagare. Vår matematik visar att de fick i genomsnitt 1 449,75 USD i månaden 2020, eller 17 396,99 USD per år.

Montana är också bland de 13 stater som beskattar sociala förmåner, säger AARP.

Vi beräknar att seniorerna i Montana nästa år kommer att få $1 468,60 per månad.

45. Kentucky

Darcy Jardine / Shutterstock

Genomsnittlig årlig förmån 2021:17 676 USD

I Kentucky tar 618 077 pensionärer social trygghet som gick ut till en genomsnittlig förmån för 2020 på 1 454,10 USD per månad och 17 449,17 USD för hela året.

Den 31 januari 1940 utfärdades den första månatliga socialförsäkringskontrollen till Ida May Fuller, en pensionerad juristsekreterare i Ludlow, Vermont. Hon fick 22,54 USD, vilket motsvarar 421,48 USD i dagens dollar.

Pensionärer i Kentucky nästa år kommer att få $1 473,00 per månad, enligt vår matematik.

Ett sätt att rensa skulder och bygga upp din pensionsfond är att refinansiera ditt bolån, om du är husägare. Bolåneräntorna är de lägsta i historien, och en refi kan lätt spara hundratals dollar i månaden.

44. South Dakota

JJM Photography / Shutterstock

Genomsnittlig årlig förmån 2021:17 788 USD

Social Security Administration säger att 137 577 pensionerade arbetare i South Dakota får förmåner. Vi beräknar att betalningarna 2020 i genomsnitt uppgick till 1 463,31 USD per månad och 17 559,68 USD per år.

Under sin livstid samlade Ida May Fuller – den första socialförsäkringsmottagaren – in förmåner på totalt cirka 22 889 USD.

Efter nästa års höjning med 1,3 % kommer South Dakotas socialförsäkringsmottagare att få 1 482,33 USD per månad.

43. Alaska

B. Franklin / Shutterstock

Genomsnittlig årlig förmån 2021:17 810 USD

Tjänstemän säger att 75 412 pensionärer från Alaska har social trygghet och – enligt våra beräkningar – fick de 1 465,14 USD per månad 2020, eller 17 581,66 USD för hela året.

Som alla andra invånare i Alaska får en pensionär också en årlig utbetalning från statens oljefond. Beloppet för 2020 var $992.

Alaskas pensionerade socialförsäkringsarbetare kommer att få 1 484,18 USD per månad nästa år.

Du kan få ihop mer pengar till din pension genom att krympa kostnaden för din villaförsäkring, om du äger ett hem. Jämför priser från flera försäkringsbolag för att se om du behöver byta.

42. North Dakota

Halfpoint / Shutterstock

Genomsnittlig årlig förmån 2021:17 899 USD

I North Dakota samlade 99 735 pensionärer in förmåner som i genomsnitt var 1 472,45 USD per månad 2020 och 17 669,38 USD för året.

North Dakota är en annan av de 13 delstater som samlar in skatter på socialförsäkringsförmåner, säger AARP.

Vi beräknar att statens pensionerade arbetare nästa år kommer att få $1 491,59 per månad.

41. Oklahoma

Bonsales / Shutterstock

Genomsnittlig årlig förmån 2021:18 097 USD

I Oklahoma fick 537 909 pensionärer socialförsäkringsförmåner som i genomsnitt uppgick till 1 488,74 USD i månaden 2020, eller 17 864,89 USD för året.

Ynka socialförsäkringsförmåner är en anledning till att arbetande amerikaner behöver spara mer – som genom 401(k)-planer som erbjuds av arbetsgivare.

Seniorerna i Oklahoma nästa år kommer att få 1 508,09 USD per månad, enligt våra beräkningar.

40. Nevada

Joshua Resnick / Shutterstock

Genomsnittlig årlig förmån 2021:18 123 USD

I Nevada har 413 107 pensionärer social trygghet, och vi beräknar att de fick i genomsnitt 1 490,89 USD per månad 2020, vilket ger en årsinkomst på 17 890,71 USD.

Socialförsäkringen står för ungefär en tredjedel av de äldres inkomster, säger tjänstemän med programmet.

Med en höjning nästa år på 1,3 % kommer Nevadas socialförsäkringsmottagare att få 1 510,27 USD per månad.

39. District of Columbia

Syda Productions / Shutterstock

Average annual benefit in 2021:$18,127

In the District of Columbia, 58,903 retirees collected benefits that averaged $1,491.24 per month in 2020 or $17,894.83 over the course of the year.

An American can claim Social Security as early as age 62, but if you don't wait your monthly payment will be permanently reduced by up to 30%.

Retired workers in D.C. stand to receive $1,510.62 per month next year.

38. Texas

Fotoluminate LLC / Shutterstock

Average annual benefit in 2021:$18,183

In Texas, 2.95 million retirees are drawing Social Security benefits. We calculate that 2020's average payout in the Lone Star State was $1,495.80 per month and $17,949.64 for all of 2020.

Money from an IRA, or individual retirement account, can help you make ends meet in retirement — but you need to start saving as early as you can.

With next year's 1.3% raise added in, Texas Social Security recipients will get $1,515.25 per month.

37. West Virginia

Steve Heap / Shutterstock

Average annual benefit in 2021:$18,191

Social Security says 292,653 retired workers in West Virginia collect benefits from the program. In 2020, the state average was $1,496.44 and $17,957.24 for the year.

West Virginia is another of the 13 states that collect taxes on Social Security, AARP says.

According to our math, West Virginia seniors next year will receive $1,515.89 per month.

36. California

sirtravelalot / Shutterstock

Average annual benefit in 2021:$18,191

In America's most populous state, 4.44 million retirees received Social Security payments averaging $1,496.45 a month in 2020 or $17,957.45 for the full year.

The number of older people on Social Security in California is greater than the entire populations of almost half the states.

Retired workers in the Golden State stand to receive $1,515.91 per month next year.

35. Idaho

Denise Lett / Shutterstock

Average annual benefit in 2021:$18,199

In Idaho, 259,909 retirees are on Social Security, and we calculate that they got $1,497.11 a month in 2020, or $17,965.34 for the full year.

Some U.S. seniors are lucky enough to have employer-based pensions that provide additional retirement income, though those have become rare.

After next year's 1.3% raise, Idaho's Social Security recipients will get $1,516.57 per month.

34. Alabama

Darryl Vest / Shutterstock

Average annual benefit in 2021:$18,203

The Social Security Administration says 731,111 retirees in Alabama collect benefits that, according to our calculations, averaged $1,497.43 per month in 2020, or $17,969.13 annually.

Half of elderly retired couples in the U.S. and 70% of single retirees derive 50% or more of their income from Social Security, officials with the program say.

Retired workers in Alabama should be on the receiving end of $1,516.89 per month next year.

33. Georgia

Fotoluminate LLC / Shutterstock

Average annual benefit in 2021:$18,225

In Georgia, 1.29 million seniors receive Social Security benefits that averaged $1,499.23 a month in 2020, or $17,990.73 for the year.

Without a decent stream of income in retirement, it can be easy to fall deep into debt. If you're struggling with credit card bills each month, a debt consolidation loan can help take that weight off your shoulders.

We calculate that Georgia's retired workers will receive $1,518.72 per month next year.

32. Ohio

Sever180 / Shutterstock

Average annual benefit in 2021:$18,240

In Ohio, 1.62 million retirees collect benefits, and we calculate that their payments in 2020 averaged $1,500.46 a month and $18,005.50 for the full year.

During June 2020, some 45.8 million retired workers across the U.S. were receiving Social Security payments, officials say.

Factoring in the raise for next year of 1.3%, Ohio's Social Security recipients will get $1,519.96 per month.

31. Missouri

LanaG / Shutterstock

Average annual benefit in 2021:$18,259

In Missouri, 897,621 retirees are getting Social Security payments that averaged $1,502.10 per month in 2020, or $18,025.14 for the year.

Missouri also is among the 13 states that tax the Social Security benefits of at least some retirees, according to AARP.

According to our math, seniors in the Show Me State next year will receive $1,521.62 per month.

30. Tennessee

LanaG / Shutterstock

Average annual benefit in 2021:$18,415

The Social Security Administration says 995,471 retirees in Tennessee collect benefits that, according to our calculations, averaged $1,514.88 per month in 2020, or $18,178.54 annually.

Investment income, maybe through an automated investing service, or robo-advisor, can help retirees stretch their money.

Retired Tennesseeans next year will receive $1,534.57 per month, according to our calculations.

29. Florida

Brocreative / Shutterstock

Average annual benefit in 2021:$18,449

In Florida — often considered America's retirement capital — some 3.51 million retirees are getting Social Security benefits.

According to our calculations, they collected $1,517.69 a month in 2020, and their annual income from the program was $18,212.30.

The seniors soaking up the sun in the Sunshine State stand to receive $1,537.42 per month next year.

28. Hawaii

CREATISTA / Shutterstock

Average annual benefit in 2021:$18,485

In Hawaii — one of the best states for retirement — 218,219 seniors receive retirement benefits from Uncle Sam.

We calculate that they got an average $1,520.65 per month in 2020, and $18,247.86 in annual income from Social Security.

With next year's 1.3% raise, Hawaii's Social Security recipients will get $1,540.42 per month.

27. North Carolina

Cvandyke / Shutterstock

Average annual benefit in 2021:$18,577

In North Carolina, 1,526,249 retired workers receive benefits that in 2020 averaged $1,528.19 per month and $18,338.34 for the year.

Americans are living longer and must rely on Social Security for longer periods. In 1940, a 65-year-old was expected to live almost 14 years, the Social Security Administration says. Today, that life expectancy is more than 20 years.

Our calculations find that North Carolina seniors next year will receive $1,548.06 per month.

26. Oregon

wavebreakmedia / Shutterstock

Average annual benefit in 2021:$18,622

Oregon has 998,643 retired workers on Social Security, federal numbers show.

In 2020, their benefits averaged $1,531.92 per month and $18,383 for the full year.

According to our math, seniors in the Beaver State next year will receive $1,551.84 per month.

Would living on that amount be a stretch for you? Look for ways to save more money every month, starting with a lower price on your car insurance.

25. Iowa

goodluz / Shutterstock

Average annual benefit in 2021:$18,665

In Iowa, 482,117 retirees collect benefits, according to the Social Security Administration.

They received $1,535.46 per month from the program and an annual income of $18,425.48 for 2020, by our calculations.

Adding next year's 1.3% raise, Iowa's Social Security recipients will get $1,555.42 per month.

24. Nebraska

marekuliasz / Shutterstock

Average annual benefit in 2021:$18,698

In Nebraska, 257,481 retirees collect benefits that in 2020 averaged $1,538.18 per month and $18,458.11 for the whole year, according to our math.

Nebraska is another of the 13 states that tax the Social Security benefits of at least some retirees, AARP says.

Retired workers in the Cornhusker State stand to receive $1,558.17 per month next year.

Since Social Security isn't enough for a comfortable retirement, investing is key for building up your nest egg. One popular investing app lets you get started with as little as $1, and never charges commissions or trading fees.

23. South Carolina

Diego Cervo / Shutterstock

Average annual benefit in 2021:$18,760

In South Carolina, 828,566 retirees get Social Security benefits, according to goverment data.

We calculate that they received an average $1,543.28 a month in 2020, or $18,519.36 for the full year.

With next year's raise of 1.3%, South Carolina Social Security recipients will get $1,563.34 per month.

22. Colorado

iofoto / Shutterstock

Average annual benefit in 2021:$18,785

Colorado has 665,194 retirees on Social Security, and their benefits in 2020 averaged $1545.31 per month, or $18,543.68 on an annual basis.

The Centennial State also is one of the 13 states that collect taxes on Social Security benefits, AARP says.

Our math indicates that Colorado seniors next year will receive $1,565.40 per month.

Need to save more for retirement? That often comes down to spending less right now. A free browser extension can cut your bills from online shopping by showing you the lowest price every time.

21. Vermont

Christine Glade / Shutterstock

Average annual benefit in 2021:$18,862

In Vermont, 109,498 retirees collect Social Security benefits that in 2020 averaged $1,551.65 per week, or $18,619.81 for the full year, according to our calculations.

Vermont is yet another of the 13 states that collect taxes on Social Security benefits, AARP says.

Retired workers in the Green Mountain State stand to receive $1,571.82 per month next year.

20. Wyoming

Diane Isabel / Shutterstock

Average annual benefit in 2021:$18,912

In this sparsely populated state, 85,085 collect Social Security benefits, according to the program's data.

We calculate that they typically received $1,555.76 monthly in 2020, or $18,669.09 over the course of the year.

Factoring in a raise next year of 1.3%, Wyoming's Social Security recipients will get $1,575.98 per month.

Before you retire, you might beef up your savings by taking on a side gig that puts your talents to work. An online freelance marketplace can help you find someone eager to pay for your skills.

19. Illinois

Fotoluminate LLC / Shutterstock

Average annual benefit in 2021:$18,924

The Social Security Administration says in Illinois, 1.63 million retired workers are collecting benefits.

They got an average $1,556.74 per month in 2020, or annual income from the program of $18,680.83, according to our math.

With a 1.3% raise for next year, Illinois seniors will receive $1,576.97 a month.

18. Arizona

Andy Dean Photography / Shutterstock

Average annual benefit in 2021:$18,960

In Arizona — another state that draws large numbers of retirees — 1.04 million retired workers are on Social Security.

We calculate that they received $1,559.72 a month, on average, in 2020, and an annual income of $18,716.66.

Retired workers in the Grand Canyon State stand to receive $1,579.00 per month next year.

17. Rhode Island

Kate Elliott / Shutterstock

Average annual benefit in 2021:$19,023

In Rhode Island, 160,706 retirees collect benefits that in 2020 averaged $1,564.92 a month or $18,779.08 for the full year.

The Ocean State is another of the 13 states that tax Social Security benefits, according to AARP.

According to our math, Rhode Island seniors next year will receive $1,585.27 per month.

16. Wisconsin

Suzanne Tucker / Shutterstock

Average annual benefit in 2021:$19,079

In Wisconsin, 923,461 retired workers take Social Security.

By our calculations, they received an average $1,569.55 a month in 2020, or an annual income from the program of $18,834.60.

With next year's 1.3% raise, Wisconsin's Social Security recipients will get $1,589.95 per month.

You might put aside more money for your retirement with help from an app that invests your spare change by rounding up your everyday purchases.

15. Utah

melissamn / Shutterstock

Average annual benefit in 2021:$19,128

In Utah, 296,554 retirees collect benefits that averaged $1,573.53 per month and $18,882.40 for all of 2020.

Utah is yet another of the 13 states that levy state taxes on Social Security benefits, AARP says.

According to our math, seniors in the Beehive State next year will receive $1,593.99 per month.

14. Virginia

Steve Heap / Shutterstock

Average annual benefit in 2021:$19,185

The Social Security Administration's data shows 1.11 million Virginia seniors are receiving benefits.

We calculate that they got $1,578.22 per month in 2020, and $18,938.68 for the full year.

Adding in a raise next year of 1.3%, Virginia's Social Security recipients will get $1,598.74 per month.

13. New York

William Perugini / Shutterstock

Average annual benefit in 2021:$19,192

In New York, 2.6 million retirees collect benefits that averaged $1,578.79 a month in 2020, or $18,945.49 for the full year.

The first official Social Security number was 055-09-0001 — issued in 1936 to 23-year-old John Sweeney Jr. of New Rochelle, New York.

Our math indicates that seniors in the Empire State next year will receive $1,599.32 per month.

12. Kansas

PointImages / Shutterstock

Average annual benefit in 2021:$19,229

In Kansas, 402,018 retirees collect benefits that averaged $1,581.88 a month in 2020 and $18,982.61 for the year as a whole.

Kansas also is among the 13 states that collect taxes on some Social Security benefits, according to AARP.

According to our calculations, seniors in the Sunflower State next year will receive $1,602.45 per month.

11. Massachusetts

Pierrette Guertin / Shutterstock

Average annual benefit in 2021:$19,234

In Massachusetts, 901,679 retirees are drawing benefits from Social Security.

We calculate that they got an average $1,582.27 per month in 2020, or $18,987.19 for the year.

After next year's 1.3% raise, the Bay State's Social Security recipients will get $1,602.84 per month.

10. Pennsylvania / Shutterstock

Average annual benefit in 2021:$19,246

In Pennsylvania, 2.01 million retirees collect Social Security benefits, according to the latest government data.

In 2020, they got an average $1,583.23 per month from the system and $18,998.77 over the course of the full year.

We calculate that seniors in the Keystone State next year will receive $1,603.81 per month.

9. Indiana

Kzenon / Shutterstock

Average annual benefit in 2021:$19,293

In Indiana, 946,375 retirees are on Social Security and got an average $1,587.15 per month in 2020 and $19,045.83 for the full year, according to our calculations.

That's not a lot to live on, which is why it's so vital to put money away during your working years so you'll have savings to fall back on in retirement.

Adding in next year's Social Security raise of 1.3%, Indiana beneficiaries will get $1,607.79 per month, on average.

8. Minnesota

Edgar Lee Espe / Shutterstock

Average annual benefit in 2021:$19,380

In Minnesota, 784,382 seniors collect Social Security benefits that in 2020 averaged out to $1,594.25 per month and $19,131.00 for the full year.

Minnesota is another of the 13 states that collect state income tax on Social Security benefits, AARP says.

Our math finds that seniors in the North Star State next year will typically receive $1,614.98 per month.

7. Washington

Julie DeGuia / Shutterstock

Average annual benefit in 2021:$19,548

Washington has 1.01 million retirees who are on Social Security. It's one of 14 states with over 1 million beneficiaries.

We calculate that Washingtonians received monthly payments averaging $1,608.13 in 2020, and an annual income of $19,297.61.

Retired workers in the Evergreen State stand to receive $1,629.04 per month next year.

6. Michigan

Lindsay Snow / Shutterstock

Average annual benefit in 2021:$19,649

In Michigan, 1.54 million retired workers are receiving benefits from Social Security.

They got an average $1,616.43 per month from the program and an annual income of $19,397.18, according to our calculations.

After next year's 1.3% raise, the Great Lake State's Social Security recipients will get $1,637.44 per month.

5. Maryland

Steve Heap / Shutterstock

Average annual benefit in 2021:$19,746

In Maryland, the state where the Social Security Administration is headquartered (in the Baltimore suburb of Woodlawn), 742,552 retirees collect benefits that in 2020 averaged $1,624.37 a month and $19,492.47 for the full year.

Despite the relatively high payouts here, there are plenty of other reasons you probably wouldn't want to retire in Maryland.

According to our calculations, seniors in the Old Line State next year will receive $1,645.49 per month.

4. New Hampshire

Denise Lett / Shutterstock

Average annual benefit in 2021:$19,990

In this New England state, 220,989 collect benefits that in 2020 averaged $1,644.42 per month and $19,733.04 for the year.

The lowest Social Security number ever issued was given to Grace Owen of Concord, New Hampshire, in 1936. It was:001-01-0001.

By our math, seniors in the Granite State next year will receive $1,665.80 per month .

3. Delaware

CREATISTA / Shutterstock

Average annual benefit in 2021:$20,164

In Delaware, 162,952 older people are on Social Security, according to the agency's data.

We calculate that they got an average $1,658.79 per month in 2020 and a typical annual benefit of $19,905.45.

Factoring in next year's Social Security raise of 1.3%, Delaware beneficiaries will get $1,607.79 per month.

2. Connecticut

Edward Fielding / Shutterstock

Average annual benefit in 2021:$20,486

In Connecticut, 512,703 retirees are taking Social Security. We calculate that they received an average $1,685.29 per month and $20,223.45 for the full year.

Connecticut is the last of the 13 states that collect taxes on Social Security benefits, AARP says.

Retired workers in the Nutmeg State stand to receive an average $1,707.20 per month next year.

1. New Jersey

wavebreakmedia / Shutterstock

Average annual benefit in 2021:$20,537

The Garden State is where 1.21 million older people receive the largest average Social Security payments:$1,689.42 per month in 2020, or $20,273.09 for the full year, by our calculations.

Let's be honest:$20,273 isn't much of an income. You'll want to buy life insurance to ensure your loved ones aren't burdened by more than grief once you're gone. Today, it's very easy to compare policies and get the best possible rate.

After the 2021 raise of 1.3%, New Jersey Social Security recipients typically will receive $1,711.39 per month.

  1. Bokföring
  3. Affärsstrategi
  5. Företag
  7. Kundrelationshantering
  9. finansiera
  11. Lagerhantering
  13. Privatekonomi
  15. investera
  17. Företagsfinansiering
  19. budget
  21. Besparingar
  23. försäkring
  25. skuld
  27. avgå